Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Class

Here are a few pics of my classroom. I hung this huge spider for Hallowe'en, the kids think it's the bomb.

Our class's newest addition--a four week old baby hamster named Cinderella. Poor Cinderella caught her leg between the rungs the first day we got her last week...I think it may be broken, she limps pretty bad. Oh, and I also am pretty sure that Cinderella is a boy. Is there such thing as hamster therapy?

Reno's Phase...4 I Think...I've lost count.

TV room. This is my favorite so far. Here's the before.And after.

I thought that I'd throw in this fall pic of Miss Pearl.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Renovations Phase 3

So, I'm painting again. This time I attacked the spare bedroom. As I was painting I thought "oh sh*#, I forgot to take a before picture". So, I just took a couple of pictures of the other bedroom because they are...well, were, almost the exact same.

So here's the after. The color is a brownish, rose color. The room isn't complete yet, I didn't think I'd need a bedskirt, but I guess I should get one. We also have to hang stuff, but the tough part is finished. The whole house is almost painted now. We are going to start the TV room this week and do the bedroom after that!

Sorry this isn't one of the most exciting posts, but it's the best I can come up with right now. Now wedding's anytime soon, no party's....geez, the next post could be Christmas. Oh wait...Hallowe'en should be good!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

TV Pics for Toby

I wasn't going to add these pictures, but apparently there are some of you out there that wanted to see the new purchase. So I went out and bought a 42' plasma TV. Could I afford it....no. Is it awesome....yes. So do I care that it cost waaay more than I should have spent.....no. :)