Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Father's Day and Other Randoms

Last Sunday (Father's Day) I babysat Elizabeth and Nola's baby girl Dominique! I was so honored to be her FIRST babysitter ever. She came over to my house for a few hours and she was so good.

After babysitting Mark and I headed up to Summerside for a Father's Day BBQ.Uncle Raymond did a great job BBQing.
Kelsey, Meagan and I got Dad a GPS system---he loves gadgets and was pretty pumped.
Jazzy hangin out in her fave spot--the closet.
I shaved Miss Pearl down completely for the summer---she was too embarassed to look at the camera.
Celebrating the approaching summer at the Deckhouse with my work buddies Simone and Mario.
Mark joined us too.
Blossom and Miss P golfing.This is our friend Rob and Lori's new dog 'Boss'.


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