Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Guess I Need to Have a Kid

I thought the title of this post might catch your eye. The reason I wrote it is because I don't have much to Blog about lately. I look around at everyone else's blog and they have lots of news and cute baby pics to post. If I had a baby I'd be going blogger crazy. Anyways, check out my links for some real cuties. My brother Kelsey has finally jumped aboard the blogger train--it's great because I get to see updated pics of my two adorable neice's Abby and Mackenzie. His link is to the right there.
Anyways, not much new. January is almost over, I really can't believe that. Life flies by the older you get. Hhhmmm, my biological clock is going to start knocking at the door soon I suppose....maybe I'll have more to blog about in the next while after all. DON'T get any ideas.
My class is great. I love my 21 kids. I wish I could post pics of them and tell you all about them, however, I don't know how well all the parents would appreciate me exposing their kids to the world wide web.
Guess that's it really. I'll have some pics real soon, I promise....come back in the near future. Cheers!!! Rhonda.


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