Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Parties, Christmas Parties!!

Last weekend we had the staff Christmas Party. It was, as usual, a great time. My work has a very fun group of people, and at the top of that group is Stacy, Mario (Santa), and Anne. Without them there IS no party.
Everyone got a chance to sit on Santa's knee. I love this picture of Simone getting a kick out of her gift description. Ok, so here I am getting ready to leave, I laughed myself out the door---what a great time!!
I have become a slacker with my camera...BIG TIME! The night after my staff party my cousin Stacey had a house party and I didn't take one pic, except for these which were taken at the end of the night.

So, this weekend we went to 2 more Christmas Parties, Al & Monica's on Friday (small mansion they live in!), and Sindy's on Saturday. I forgot my camera both times--but Sindy's sending me some pics I think. Merry Christmas everyone!


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