Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

D'arcy and Kate's Wedding

Finally something to post about! Last Friday D'arcy and Kate had a small wedding at my Aunt Mary's house. It was fun, especially the after party. I was so glad that Kelsey came home for it, and I think that it's the first time that Kelsey, Meagan, and I went out on the town together.
Before the "I do's", D'arcy and Kelsey played a bit of hockey in the basement. Aunt Mary went down there to pin the flowers on them. The official certificate. You could barely here the man from the Justice of the Peace because the Snow Birds were practicing overhead...it was pretty cool.I'm so faithful to my Kodak...I'm the only one looking at it:)
First family pic in a while--I'm so glad Kels flew home, even if it was only for a couple days.


  • At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Last weekend was a blast! I had an awesome time hamming it up with you and Kelsey. It was so nice to have the fam under one roof again!

  • At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well Rhonda, I was waiting for the big update and here it is. Well I guess you did have a great time last weekend, ha ha, you were as white as a ghost!!!! It was nice to see the Smith family out on the town!! Cheers


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