Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Two Years!

**Warning-for those of you out there in blogger land who are sick of hearing about Miss Pearl I would not advise you to look at this post**
Well, I can't believe it. It's been two years since I drove way up to Profit's Corner and picked up Miss Pearl. Jaime and I jumped into her little red civic--pumped as you can imagine (Jaime got one of Miss Pearl's sisters). So, this post is dedicated to Miss Pearl, also known as: Miss Squirrel, Pearly Wearly, or Dumdum (don't ask).
This picture here was taken when she was only 3 days old. Yep, when I found out that the pups were born I had to go up and check em out. I think she's the one on the left, but not sure-Jaime what do you think?
Another visit at 5 weeks to 'pick the one we wanted' --it was so hard!Aah ya, it didn't take long to figure out which one was Miss Pearl. Just look at her. So, here I am, with my new girl. Four paws, two ears, and perfectly healthy, HAHA! AAAWWWW, this is Happy, Miss Pearl 's sister -- Jaime picked her and I don't blame her one bit! This is the first day I took her home. She still sleeps in this kennel but fills it up quite a bit more.

Her and Blossom meet for the first time. I think they knew they were family right away.
Three sisters: Miss Pearl, Blossom, and Happy!


  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Megan said…

    miss pearl was so dark when she was a pup! pearl's got a great set of pipes on her! hahaha

  • At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi there, Rhonda, I remember wheyou got her,,YOU were so excited I was excited too..!!LOL
    She is so darn cute!

  • At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awwww Randall!!!! loved seeing those pictures of Pearl! I think it's time we get a couple of little sisters for these dogs, whaddya say...is Bonnie breeding anytime soon?


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