Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Blogger Rut

Hey everyone. Well, I haven't added a post in almost 2 weeks, I was on a great role there for a while. The past couple weeks I've been pretty busy taking a course at UPEI and getting ready to go back to work. Unfortunately I don't really have any pictures right now to post. The most exciting one would be that of a dog house we found in the Buy, Sell, and Trade. I think I'm in a blogger rut. No pics, no news.
Actually, last Sunday night a bunch of us got together at Terry and Krista's restaurant in Cavendish (Greco & Thirsty's), to eat all the left over food (yummy), and drink the place dry. They decided that they're not going to open the restaurant next summer, so they had some friends out to bid it farewell. I can't believe I forgot my camera, I was so mad. I'm still on the hunt for some of the pics that were taken by a couple girls, hopefully I can find them and put a few up. If my memory serves me correctly there are some dazzling pictures of me hoola hooping on the dance floor with a Thirsty's long sleeve T-shirt and black dress pants on. Lovely.
Anyways, that's the excitement lately. I started back to work yesterday, it's good to be back. Don't get me wrong, I had a great summer, but I'm ready to get back to contributing to society.
I bought some goldfish for my class tonight. I got them at Walmart and the lady was rushing me to pick one out, so I just said, oh that one and that one are fine. Well, one IS fine, but the other one is swimming upside down and his tail is chewed up. I'm pretty P-Oed by this. I want to take him back for a better one, but.....I don't know, maybe I should give him a chance.
Oh, and Monday my day was officially ruined when I heard the news about Steve Irwin the Croc Hunter. OMG, I loved that guy. I'm sure I saw each episode at least 3 times. My favorite one was when he went to the Galapogas Islands. I can't believe he's dead. There will never be another character like him. I wanted to go to his Zoo in Queensland and meet him.
Anyways, that's all. I'm not sure how many of you out there take the time to even look at this....maybe I'm typing to myself ..... is that as bad as talking to yourself???? Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon. Maybe I'll go take a picture of the fish swimming upside down.


  • At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Rhonda! I'm reading your blog right now :) Tried to sleep in since it's Saturdya and 8:15 am is as far as I got grrr. You're back at UPEI for your masters is that it? Well if you run out of money you can come see me for a lona hahah. Ciao!

  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger Megan said…

    haha, i check your blog everyday, i'm blog-addicted!


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