Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Moving Days

It seems like there are a lot of my friends moving lately. Simone bought a house and is moving tomorrow, Sindy and Dennis move into a different apartment next week, and Terry and Krista are in the process of moving into their new house right now! Friday night, Mark and I gave them a hand getting everything out of 37 Bonavista, and hauled out to Kelly's Cross. Here's the last picture of them at their house in Stratford. It was raining and the pic turned out pretty dark.

I think this is Terry's "Rhonda you are driving me nuts with that camera" look. Haha. I told him he'd thank me someday for all the memories I'm capturing! JB invited us back to Bonavista Dr. for some nice cold drinks after all the hard lifting and picture taking.
Robert and Miss Pearl bonded very nicely!Saturday morning we went and helped with one more load. The house isn't quite finished yet, so they are staying with Rob and Lori and Terry's parents for another week or so.

It's an awesome house. I love it. When it's completely finished I'll put more pictures up. Chow for now!


  • At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Rhonda: I finally got on your site. It's AWSOME!! You are so organized......You're no doubt one of the best teachers ever!!!! Keep up the Great Work!!! Now that I know how to get on here I'll make sure I check it out more often.....


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