Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A VERY Merry Christmas!

Well, this year there were lots of excited people here at The Smith house on Christmas morning. Everyone was very excited over the gifts they received---and I had my camera to capture the moments.
Here's mom opening a print that she forgot she loved---she told me about it a couple of months ago and then forgot about it...... Here's Dad ---he's been asking for a 37'' flat panel LCD TV for Christmas...I couldn't afford that so I got him the bracket to hang in on the wall. He was a bit pumped incase you can't tell!

Meagan finally got the bed in the bag from ROOTS that she's been wanting--check out those pearly whites! Me and my awesome new wool coat...I love it--the scarf was a nice touch too.
I got Mark a car starter and put it at the bottom of his stocking. He didn't really know what it was at first, but figured it out pretty quick. Miss Pearl got the shaft from Santa this year...look at her sitting between us, looking pretty sad!


  • At 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok..here is a comment as per request.
    you had lots of pictures from other Christmas parties but why none from the party at your house...

  • At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can you make a blog site for me to post pictures of Abby and MacKenzie? I'm too lazy... :)

  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger The Osbornes said…

    To the smith's from the Osborne's MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Love the pics... did Uncle Wilf get the flat screen yet? xoxoxo


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