Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Miss Jazzy May

So, my sister Meagan graduated with her honors degree in chemistry in May, and she really REALLY wanted a little dog for graduation. So, being the wonderful big sister, and dog lover that I am, I totally supported this idea and "guided" my parents through the motions of finding the perfect pup. Now, anyone who knew my family growing up knows that we had a black pom named Ribbons. SO, I thought that it would be neat if we could find one for Meagan. They are hard to come by, but I found a breeder in Ontario. Meagan was shocked, surprised, and PUMPED when Jazzy was in the box we gave her on the last day of her exams. Meagan is moving to Fredericton in August to do her Masters, so obviously Jazzy will be going with her. Until then, my mother and I are helping take care of her because where she lives doesn't allow pets. SO, Jazzy has been spending lots of time here in Stanhope, and surprisingly enough Miss Pearl has taken on quite the mothering role to this fiesty little pup!The kennel training is going awesome now, but the beginning was rough. Jazzy was determined that she would bite through the metal bars:) Now she goes in on her own when she's ready for a nap. Miss P is so good to her. Jazzy climbs all over her and she just lays there. Oh, and this pic gives you an idea of size. Miss Pearl is a small dog (13 pounds)---Jazzy weighs in at a wopping 2lbs right now at 4 months.
My fave.


  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Rhonda man, OMG, too flippin cute! Omamamama!!


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