Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Overdue Updates

I win the prize for being the world's worst blogger. I realize it has not been since the Cuba trip that I've updated, but....I have no excuse. Now that summer is approaching, hopefully more photo opts will arize. Anyhoo, here are some highlights from the last couple months. The fam on Meagan's graduation day (at Boston Pizza). The only person missing is Kels:( Oh well, he's coming home in July with his little family, yaay!!!
The weekend of May 5th two very special babies were born. My cousin Suzanne had a beautiful baby girl Anna(no pics of her yet, will get some soon). Also, Elizabeth and Nola had their baby. Blanche "Dominique", she beautiful. Here I am holding her when she wasn't even 24hrs old.
Baby Dominique.Blossom has been coming to "Camp Stanhope" quite a bit lately. She's loving the off leash runs and has been begging to come most weekends. She's no trouble and her and Miss P are sisters, so they love eachothers company:) I'm loving that summer is almost here. Stanhope is awesome in the summer--the beach is just down the road. The nightly run on the golf course. Those pesky golfers are starting to come around more now, which is cramping our style.

JB came for a sleepover in May. Here's Miss Pearl showing her her stick and the hole she keeps digging up.
Krista, Terry, Mark and I went to the Wine Festival and had a great time. We always have fun with these two. Here we are at the Ol' Dublin after the festival.


  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger Megan said…

    nice pics! i like the one of the pups on the golf course trail. you need to change my blog addy,

    chat soon!

  • At 6:33 AM, Blogger Lindsay MacIsaac said…

    Hey Rhonda! I had written a big, long comment but puff it's gone! Oh well, what I was saying was.....I have such a bad memory, looks like you guys had fun at the wine festival, wish I was there! The baby girl you're holding IS beautiful! is she sucking her thumb? Are you going to the Aerosmith concert? I'm not sure if I am or not, but if so do you maybe want to go together and Krista, Sindy etc. No biggy, let me know. Love the xmas morning pics, they're funny! Well, I've added this to my favorites so I'm sure I'll be visiting again:) Lindsay

  • At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a cutie baby! I think the cutiest I have ever seen. What do you think? Dominique is lucky to have you as her first babysitter.


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