Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Friday, August 10, 2007

10 Year High School Reunion

I'm old. It's been ten years since I graduated from TOSH! On July 26th the reunion was held at Thirsty's and it was a pretty good time. I got a chance to talk to people that I don't think I've seen since the night of graduation so that was pretty cool. I didn't get a lot of pics because I left my camera on the dance floor 1/2 the night. Warning: don't leave your camera unattended during a big bash because the pics you see later could be a bit.....um, well since my blog is rated G, I could not post them:)
Sindy, Cat and I---poor ol' Sindore was pretty sick and had to go home pretty much as soon as she got there. Heat stroke I think.Krista and I---think this is the only time I really saw her all night. Me kicking Lindsay's butt at pool;)

Chaos on the dance floor.
Matthew and Kent! Danielle, Christa, and Krista---having fun with a 'random' camera they found on the dance floor.
These pics were taken a week later at Peake's-this place is another reminder that I'm OLD.
Sindy made it to this outing:) Paul and Tianna deep in thought. Strange guy in the background.

Sindy and Catherine.


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