Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Staff Party and Dinner Theatre

What a weekend, I'm just starting to wind down! Friday night was our staff party and it was so much fun. Simone and I organized a car rally, then we met for supper, and off to Mario's we went. The thick mosquitoes and rain kept us indoors most of the night, but we had lots of laughs.

Here is one of the 5 car rally teams. The pic with the lobster claw was their last thing to do on the list.


good company...

....cold pop

and dancing made for a great night!
Me and one of my besties, Simone. I was in a terrible mood can't you tell?
Saturday night was the Feast. We go every summer and this year we went to help Krista and Terry celebrate there 2 year anniversary. The guys started off with three buckets of beer:)
So, I've been to every dinner theatre in Charlottetown and Summerside for the past 10 years probably, and last nights show was hands down the funniest. The name of the show was "My Big Fat Island Wedding Crashers"---a must see if your into these kind of things. The all you can eat mussels was a bonus too!Krista is the best spoon player ever---she pulled them out last night and played along with the band.This actor was my fave....very funny.
Lori, Rob, Krista, Terry, Mark and I.

I was still a bit tired from the big staff party the night before---I jumped at the chance to be the DD.


  • At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Rhon - I think we need to make the "pop" a weekly thing. I am always a much more smiley person when there is pop around. BS....

  • At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry that was me. I don't know how to work this thing.

  • At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad you enjoyed the show! (I played Candi, one of the crashers). Anyway just wanted to note that the show title is "My big fat island wedding crashers". "My big fat island wedding" was the title of a Summerside show 4 years ago.

    You should also check out the Summerside show this year- lots of laughs there as well! :)
    Thanks for coming!

  • At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well written article.


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