Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Renos Phase V (and final....I think)

So, as most of my friends know I have been doing a lot of painting the past year. Our bedroom was the last room in the house to be done and I have been putting it off since I pinched a nerve in my neck last summer..argh. Anyways, I decided that as soon as school was finished this year, and the ol' neck was feeling better, we'd start the bedroom. It only took a few days. We have also been in need of a bedroom set, the spare bedroom bed was not cutting it as a 'dresser' any more. So here are the results, we still need to hang stuff and get the rest of the bedroom set (it's a tight fit in our room but we don't plan on being in this house forever). Anyways, it's pretty much finished.



haha, I just woke up...


  • At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When we come to visit we'll break in the new redo room.

    thanks for the redo we will enjoy it.



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