Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Two Years!

**Warning-for those of you out there in blogger land who are sick of hearing about Miss Pearl I would not advise you to look at this post**
Well, I can't believe it. It's been two years since I drove way up to Profit's Corner and picked up Miss Pearl. Jaime and I jumped into her little red civic--pumped as you can imagine (Jaime got one of Miss Pearl's sisters). So, this post is dedicated to Miss Pearl, also known as: Miss Squirrel, Pearly Wearly, or Dumdum (don't ask).
This picture here was taken when she was only 3 days old. Yep, when I found out that the pups were born I had to go up and check em out. I think she's the one on the left, but not sure-Jaime what do you think?
Another visit at 5 weeks to 'pick the one we wanted' --it was so hard!Aah ya, it didn't take long to figure out which one was Miss Pearl. Just look at her. So, here I am, with my new girl. Four paws, two ears, and perfectly healthy, HAHA! AAAWWWW, this is Happy, Miss Pearl 's sister -- Jaime picked her and I don't blame her one bit! This is the first day I took her home. She still sleeps in this kennel but fills it up quite a bit more.

Her and Blossom meet for the first time. I think they knew they were family right away.
Three sisters: Miss Pearl, Blossom, and Happy!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Look at her, sleeping with her sweater on, cuddled up with her toy. Last Hallowe'en we dressed her up as Yoda...still not sure what she's going to be this year. Any ideas?

I have been using any occasion as an excuse to dress her up. Is that weird? Oh well, I don't care:) Her best friend Max.That ear. It's her most famous trademark.
OK, these are the best. I discovered early on in Miss Pearl's life that she'll howl if someone else is. She hates anyone being upset. Check out these videos, they are so cute.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Summer Vacations Starting to End

Well, it's pretty quiet here in Stanhope. All the company is gone now and it's a bit lonely. Here's just a few random pics from the last 3 weeks. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of Mark's brother and sister-in-law...but they are in the beachs pics.
This is Mark and his sister's fiance Richard--one of the nicest guys I've ever met---Miss Pearl is going to miss him bigtime!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Parade Day!

For those of you that might not know, Gold Cup and Saucer Week is a pretty big week here in Charlottetown. Probably the biggest crowd turns out at the Gold Cup and Saucer Parade. So, bright and early on Friday morning (the early bird gets a curb front seat!), my mother, grandmother, Uncle Raymond, Mark and I headed to Brighton Rd. It has been tradition for Sindy and I to watch the parade together, so the morning wasn't complete until she showed up (with Dennis too!).
Mom and Uncle Ray.

Sindy and Dennis.
Someone told someone that Grandma recently celebrated her 87th Birthday --so she was brought some cake:)
Here are some of the floats we saw....

The Summerside firemen had a great float...so great it made it to the Gold Cup Parade! Uncle Roger even made an appearance.
Sindy and I grabbed this weird looking clown for a photo op!

Here's a clip of the Charlottetown Rocket Mascot. He cracks me up. The parade came to a stand still and he had me giggling pretty good.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Teasing Toad

There was a toad in the backyard yesterday and Miss Pearl was going nuts on it. She barked at it, sniffed it, tapped it....and it just curled up and played dead. He was smart too because anytime she turned away he'd hop toward the deck. I've finally learned how to get videos uploaded to my site.....check out Miss Pearl's toad experience live by clicking on the links below.

Dwindling Beach Days....

I hate to admit it, but the PEI beach days are quickly coming to an end. Mark's family is home for a visit so we headed out yesterday. Alison (Mark's sister), Craig (Mark's bro), his wife Kimm and son Cabot.
This lady decided it would be a good idea to sit at the top of the stairs and knit. The problem was people were tripping over her trying to get to the beach. Silly lady!!!!!
I think I should get an award for this pic.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Night at The Mack

Last Friday a crew of us went to The Mack to see Shear Madness--it was a comedy/murder mystery and we really enjoyed it. They envolve the audience which was cool and you can drink while the play is going on. This picture sucks, but I wanted to give an idea of what the theatre was like on the inside. They tell you not to take pictures which made me want to take some even more. This is a shot of the stage (with my flash turned off -- I'm so sneaky).
Andy, MaryJane, Lee, Shella, Patti, Alan, Me, Mark.

After the show the actors walk around for pics and drinks. This guy was hilarious. He's also the guy from the Superstore comercials.

Monday, August 07, 2006

More Wedding Bells!!

Well, we had yet another wedding to attend on Saturday. This time it was my cousin Kathy and her husband Chris. She looked beautiful and it was nice to visit with some of my family that I don't see much. This is my cousin and his son Ethan. Ethan was the ringbearer and he fell asleep on the little ring pillow at the front of the church. The little girl on the left is Keisha, Kathy's first daughter. Here's Dad with his Aunt Ruby and Uncle Leroy.

Deep Sea Fishing

Bright and early on Friday morning, a crew of us went deep sea fishing. We had a great time, and caught lots of mackeral and cod. Toby's sister even caught a 35lb halabout (sp?).
Holy Mackeral!!!
Mark caught a few nice cod. Toby took the prize for the smallest fish caught!