Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Winter Snowshoeing

Today when Mark and I got back from Fredricton is was so beautiful out. We went snowshoeing down on the golf course and Mark even convinced me to across the frozen pond. I was so scared we were going to fall through, but after walking on it I realized it was as hard as cement. Miss Pearl, Blossom and Max joined us -- they had a ball. I love watching dogs bounding through deep snow, not sure why, it's so cute and they just look so joyful. Here's Maxy, covered in snow and loving it.

Mark, heading back to the house, the dogs could have gone all day.
Miss Squirrel, one of her many, majorly cute pictures.
Every once in a while I take these amazingly, fabulous pictures, and this is one of them. I think I should get an award for this one. Just like that one of the beach umbrella that I took in the summer (for those of you that follow my picture taking abilities closely)!
Blossom loves coming to visit Mark and I in the country. The squirrels drive her MAD!!!!


This weekend I drove over to Fredricton to go to my cousin Sarah's baby shower. I had a great time catching up with my two cousins and their friends. Sarah is due the first of March and looks AMAZING to say the least. It was my kind of baby shower, it was laid back, great company, lots of food, and wine friendly:)
Here's a pic of me and one of my top 20 favorite people, Kelly Aitken. I found out last night that she too is expecting. I love her, she's great. Here's Sarah and I. It's weird that we don't see eachother very much, but we still have remained pretty tight. Sarah, I hope that you are checking my blog on a regular basis now!

The baby and I bonded a bit--Sarah's not telling the name but I think if it's a girl she's going to name it after me:)
Sarah, Rachelle, and Suzanne. Have I mentioned that Suzanne is also prego?? So exciting! I'm telling ya, Babyville! See her cutie Eric on my links and you HAVE to watch the 21 month video, it's hilarious! Rachelle is a really good friend of Sarah's and her pass time it meeting and hanging out with celebraties...(she had drinks with Mr. Big!!)
I just noticed I'm posting A LOT of pictures of myself.....sorry people...I'm not meaning to. Suzanne's got her glow on.

Aaah, yes, another fave. Heather Keats, formally from Fredricton, but moved back to Fredricton. She grew up in Fredricton. haha. You can link to link to see her blog too.