Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Staff Party and Dinner Theatre

What a weekend, I'm just starting to wind down! Friday night was our staff party and it was so much fun. Simone and I organized a car rally, then we met for supper, and off to Mario's we went. The thick mosquitoes and rain kept us indoors most of the night, but we had lots of laughs.

Here is one of the 5 car rally teams. The pic with the lobster claw was their last thing to do on the list.


good company...

....cold pop

and dancing made for a great night!
Me and one of my besties, Simone. I was in a terrible mood can't you tell?
Saturday night was the Feast. We go every summer and this year we went to help Krista and Terry celebrate there 2 year anniversary. The guys started off with three buckets of beer:)
So, I've been to every dinner theatre in Charlottetown and Summerside for the past 10 years probably, and last nights show was hands down the funniest. The name of the show was "My Big Fat Island Wedding Crashers"---a must see if your into these kind of things. The all you can eat mussels was a bonus too!Krista is the best spoon player ever---she pulled them out last night and played along with the band.This actor was my fave....very funny.
Lori, Rob, Krista, Terry, Mark and I.

I was still a bit tired from the big staff party the night before---I jumped at the chance to be the DD.

Father's Day and Other Randoms

Last Sunday (Father's Day) I babysat Elizabeth and Nola's baby girl Dominique! I was so honored to be her FIRST babysitter ever. She came over to my house for a few hours and she was so good.

After babysitting Mark and I headed up to Summerside for a Father's Day BBQ.Uncle Raymond did a great job BBQing.
Kelsey, Meagan and I got Dad a GPS system---he loves gadgets and was pretty pumped.
Jazzy hangin out in her fave spot--the closet.
I shaved Miss Pearl down completely for the summer---she was too embarassed to look at the camera.
Celebrating the approaching summer at the Deckhouse with my work buddies Simone and Mario.
Mark joined us too.
Blossom and Miss P golfing.This is our friend Rob and Lori's new dog 'Boss'.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Overdue Updates

I win the prize for being the world's worst blogger. I realize it has not been since the Cuba trip that I've updated, but....I have no excuse. Now that summer is approaching, hopefully more photo opts will arize. Anyhoo, here are some highlights from the last couple months. The fam on Meagan's graduation day (at Boston Pizza). The only person missing is Kels:( Oh well, he's coming home in July with his little family, yaay!!!
The weekend of May 5th two very special babies were born. My cousin Suzanne had a beautiful baby girl Anna(no pics of her yet, will get some soon). Also, Elizabeth and Nola had their baby. Blanche "Dominique", she beautiful. Here I am holding her when she wasn't even 24hrs old.
Baby Dominique.Blossom has been coming to "Camp Stanhope" quite a bit lately. She's loving the off leash runs and has been begging to come most weekends. She's no trouble and her and Miss P are sisters, so they love eachothers company:) I'm loving that summer is almost here. Stanhope is awesome in the summer--the beach is just down the road. The nightly run on the golf course. Those pesky golfers are starting to come around more now, which is cramping our style.

JB came for a sleepover in May. Here's Miss Pearl showing her her stick and the hole she keeps digging up.
Krista, Terry, Mark and I went to the Wine Festival and had a great time. We always have fun with these two. Here we are at the Ol' Dublin after the festival.

Miss Jazzy May

So, my sister Meagan graduated with her honors degree in chemistry in May, and she really REALLY wanted a little dog for graduation. So, being the wonderful big sister, and dog lover that I am, I totally supported this idea and "guided" my parents through the motions of finding the perfect pup. Now, anyone who knew my family growing up knows that we had a black pom named Ribbons. SO, I thought that it would be neat if we could find one for Meagan. They are hard to come by, but I found a breeder in Ontario. Meagan was shocked, surprised, and PUMPED when Jazzy was in the box we gave her on the last day of her exams. Meagan is moving to Fredericton in August to do her Masters, so obviously Jazzy will be going with her. Until then, my mother and I are helping take care of her because where she lives doesn't allow pets. SO, Jazzy has been spending lots of time here in Stanhope, and surprisingly enough Miss Pearl has taken on quite the mothering role to this fiesty little pup!The kennel training is going awesome now, but the beginning was rough. Jazzy was determined that she would bite through the metal bars:) Now she goes in on her own when she's ready for a nap. Miss P is so good to her. Jazzy climbs all over her and she just lays there. Oh, and this pic gives you an idea of size. Miss Pearl is a small dog (13 pounds)---Jazzy weighs in at a wopping 2lbs right now at 4 months.
My fave.