Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Monday, March 26, 2007

Cuba Trip

So, Mark and I decided last minute to go to Cuba for March Break. We actually had no intentions on going until about 6 days before. So, away we went! We decided to go to Holguin, Cuba because Sinday and Dennis were going to be there the same week. We stayed at the resort right next to them and it was great getting to see them during the week. Here's Mark and I at the Italian restaurant on our resort. The food in Cuba was fair, just fair--but I certainly did not starve and I even began to like the burgundy ketchup by the end of the week.Here's the view of our resort.

Here we are. Poor Mark wasn't feeling to well by the time evening came last Monday night--we over did it a bit during the day. I snuck onto Sindy and Dennis's resort and joined them at their disco. It was so much fun...put me out for a bit on Tuesday though:) Oh, and as you can see, I have a long way to go to catch up to Sindy's tan!Here's the couple that Mark and I met the first night-- Jackie and Tony--
For those of you out there who are big Cornation Street fans, here's me and one of the stars---I don't watch it so I don't know his name.
John Lennon stayed at our resort years ago and they have a statue to honor him.
The giant chess board was a huge hit with Mark and I.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Miss Pearl Livin' the Good Life.

This weekend Miss Pearl went from scampering through winter trails in the woods, to the snow covered baron beach, to giving agility a try. Whoever has the idea that small dogs aren't good for much more than sitting on their owners lap, has not met this 14lb bundle of fun. So Miss P and I are heading for the beach and she's running full speed ahead in front of me---she's used to running up this flight of steps and then down another which lead to the beach. When she got to the top she SLAMMED on the brakes! I went up and saw that the steps had been removed for the winter! If she would have kept going she would have fell over a fair size cliff. :0Yet another picture that I think deserves some sort of reward. Found this on my walk--wonderful sign of spring:)Miss Pearl tries agility---and is AWESOME! My friends Elizabeth and Nola asked us to try agility on Sunday. They take their dog Abby. I was sure that it would be more of a social get together because I REALLY did not think Miss P would do any of it. WELL, she mastered in 15min what Elizabeth said took her dog five weeks. I couldn't believe it...she was jumping hoops, going through the tunnel, the long walk, the A frame, it was so fun. Yet another reason why small dogs rule:)

Finished off the day with a game of tug-a-war.