Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bad Blogger

So, as most of you have probably noticed I have turned into that annoying person who has a blog but never updates. I have become blogger lazy.......and I can't find my cord that allows me to put my pics onto my computer. Sooooo, I am going to try to do some updates after Christmas. Sorry to all my fans;)

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Well, Mark and I just got back from the best trip EVER! Better than Cuba, better than Dominican---NEW YORK CITY. Probably the most exciting part of the trip (for those of you that don't know already), Mark and I got engaged in Central Park. The first picture here is taken about 10min after he popped the question:) Very exciting! This happened about mid trip. We had so much fun--it was the most jam packed 6 day trip ever. I took lots of pictures but these ones give an idea of some of the great things we did.

Engagement pic.
Top of the Empire State Building the first night we were there. Pictures do not do it justice. It was breathtaking. Weird, it doesn't even look like we're that high up in this picture---when you're there you feel on top of the world. You can see something like 40 miles away---crazy.The second day in NYC it rained all say so we took the opportunity to go to the Museum of Natural History---it was very cool.For those of you that know how much I LOVE bluejays, you can imagine my dismay when they had one stuffed and pinned to the wall!Real quahog shell.... St.Patricks Cathedral

We rubbed the Wall St. bull for good luck:)OK, so on Thursday we went on a Sex and the City tour. For those of you that love this show, this tour was DEFINITELY a highlight of the trip. It was a 3 1/2 hour tour around NY taking you to and showing you lots of places that were on the show. This of course is Carrie Bradshaw's apartment stoop. Mark and I at Aiden and Steve's bar on Mulberry St. --Cosmo's in hand!
Me being foolish.
Mark and I at Rockefeller Centre.Ground zero:(
Our hotel was 1/2 a block from Times Square. This is me waiting for the Lion King to start.
I'm not even going to try to explain The Lion King becauase I don't think I'd do it justice, it was so amazing I loved it.My FIANCE!Oh, ya, so a couple friend of ours also went to NYC when we were there so every evening we would hook up and do dinner with them. On Thursday night we went on a 3 hour dinner cruise around Manhatten, it was sooooo much fun. The city was so beautiful at night and we cruised right up close to the lit up Statue of Liberty----I think that this is a must do if you go to New York.
Danny, Pam, Mark and I on the ship.Mark took this lovely picture of Danny and Pam on the boat deck-how romantic.....

Friday, August 10, 2007

10 Year High School Reunion

I'm old. It's been ten years since I graduated from TOSH! On July 26th the reunion was held at Thirsty's and it was a pretty good time. I got a chance to talk to people that I don't think I've seen since the night of graduation so that was pretty cool. I didn't get a lot of pics because I left my camera on the dance floor 1/2 the night. Warning: don't leave your camera unattended during a big bash because the pics you see later could be a bit.....um, well since my blog is rated G, I could not post them:)
Sindy, Cat and I---poor ol' Sindore was pretty sick and had to go home pretty much as soon as she got there. Heat stroke I think.Krista and I---think this is the only time I really saw her all night. Me kicking Lindsay's butt at pool;)

Chaos on the dance floor.
Matthew and Kent! Danielle, Christa, and Krista---having fun with a 'random' camera they found on the dance floor.
These pics were taken a week later at Peake's-this place is another reminder that I'm OLD.
Sindy made it to this outing:) Paul and Tianna deep in thought. Strange guy in the background.

Sindy and Catherine.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Elm ST. Girls Annual Camping II

We went last year, and now it's annual. This year Elizabeth couldn't stay, but she came to join the early evening activities:) The newest memeber of the annual summer camping trip-'Dominique' not yet old enough to spend the night. She loved Simone--she had the magic touch.AAAAhhhhh, two of my favorite people ever......
Anne enjoying the bonfire.
Stacy, Me, Anne, Simone---good times:)


So last week I went to the Aerosmith concert--I figured a band that big coming to PEI--I had to go. I had a great time socializing and meeting up with people I hadn't seen in a while, however when Aerosmith actually started I was pretty disappointed because I couldn't see a thing, I mean NOTHING, I couldn't even tell you what Steve Tyler was wearing. Oh well, I still had fun, lots of laughs. We met up with Marianne and her boyfriend Mark---CHEERS!Amy:) Laura and Jennifer:)The love of my life-Simone:)Here we are in what I will call the MUD PIT. MUD.
This is exactly what I saw for the 2 hours that they played. blah.Lindsay's feet after the concert.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Renos Phase V (and final....I think)

So, as most of my friends know I have been doing a lot of painting the past year. Our bedroom was the last room in the house to be done and I have been putting it off since I pinched a nerve in my neck last summer..argh. Anyways, I decided that as soon as school was finished this year, and the ol' neck was feeling better, we'd start the bedroom. It only took a few days. We have also been in need of a bedroom set, the spare bedroom bed was not cutting it as a 'dresser' any more. So here are the results, we still need to hang stuff and get the rest of the bedroom set (it's a tight fit in our room but we don't plan on being in this house forever). Anyways, it's pretty much finished.



haha, I just woke up...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Staff Party and Dinner Theatre

What a weekend, I'm just starting to wind down! Friday night was our staff party and it was so much fun. Simone and I organized a car rally, then we met for supper, and off to Mario's we went. The thick mosquitoes and rain kept us indoors most of the night, but we had lots of laughs.

Here is one of the 5 car rally teams. The pic with the lobster claw was their last thing to do on the list.


good company...

....cold pop

and dancing made for a great night!
Me and one of my besties, Simone. I was in a terrible mood can't you tell?
Saturday night was the Feast. We go every summer and this year we went to help Krista and Terry celebrate there 2 year anniversary. The guys started off with three buckets of beer:)
So, I've been to every dinner theatre in Charlottetown and Summerside for the past 10 years probably, and last nights show was hands down the funniest. The name of the show was "My Big Fat Island Wedding Crashers"---a must see if your into these kind of things. The all you can eat mussels was a bonus too!Krista is the best spoon player ever---she pulled them out last night and played along with the band.This actor was my fave....very funny.
Lori, Rob, Krista, Terry, Mark and I.

I was still a bit tired from the big staff party the night before---I jumped at the chance to be the DD.