Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Day in the Life of Pearl

Miss Pearl....you know, she really does have the life. She has about an acre of land to run around on all day, several huge maple trees to nap under, and more toys than you can shake a stick at---infact, that's her most favorite toy in the world! Yep, nothing like a good stick. I was outsite painting trim today, and I had to grab the camera. I know most people find it boring when others talk about the cool things their dogs do, but bare with me ok. I have no children to brag about, so Pearl is presently filling that void:) Max decided to come over and join the fun. Here they are playing tug of war. (Max is Mark's parent's dog)
Her second favorite toy--the tennis ball. I really think she has retriever blood in her. All she wants to do is play fetch! I love when you throw her stick and ball and she tries to pick both of them up at the same time.
Ok, I hate her, but I love her here. She keeps digging this hole in the same spot and it's driving Mark and I insane. We never seem to catch her in the act, so we can't really scold her for it. Look at her here, she looks proud of it! The dirt on her beard gives her away. P.S. How about that summertime hair cut? Gotta love the shaved down look!
Favorite stick of all time. She found this one day in a wood pile way at the back of the lot. That was about 3 months ago. She has since stripped the bark from it and chewed it to bits. It's great though, her chewing on it all day keeps her teeth nice and clean!
....so, there you have it. A dog's life, her biggest concern is to make sure Max doesn't steal her favorite stick.


  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger The Osbornes said…

    that last pic is the cutest one yet! quite the pup!

  • At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pearl is the girl! She looks alot like her sista Happy in these pics. Love the one with the Tennis ball in her mouth. Those action shots are always the best huh?

  • At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah, I know I already posted a comment, but I was just looking over those pics again, and man she's cute!
    Miss Drew LOVES this Pictures too!

  • At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Miss Pearl is a real pearl! She is so cute.

  • At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You can tell me about Miss Pearl alllll day. I love that dog!!

  • At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Rhonda! Love the site and don't worry if I still had my kitties they'd be posted everywheres :) You make me motivated to start my site up again. Keep it up!


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