Rhonda & Mark

This is our way of sharing our news and pics with friends and family

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mckinnon Ladies 06

Saturday night, the Mckinnon sisters (Lorraine, Mary, and Carol Anne) along with their daughters (Lisa, Stacey, Suzanne, Sarah, Meagan and I) got together at Sarah's house in Moncton. We had such an awesome time. The night was filled with good food, drinks, sherades, and lots of laughs. We had so much fun that we have decided to make it a tradition! Next year the big event is going to be in Summerside. It was so nice to all be together. Great idea Sarah! Thanks girls for the great night! Lots of great memories!
Here's Stacey, Meagan, Suzanne and I. We thought we better try out the self timer on a couple cameras. I'm not sure what this pose was all about but it makes a great pic! Here's a group shot...well except for my mom, she's taking the picture. We're just getting ready for a yummy spaghetti dinner mmmmmmm!

So, along with the celebrations, it was my mother's birthday. I was going to get her a cake but their was a bit of a mix up with Aunt Mary and I. No problem though, the aunties pulled it together. My mom's cake was a dinner roll covered in homemade strawberry jam! It was great...much more memorable than a cake from the Superstore. Stace and I.
Out on the deck enjoying the nice evening. This pic was taken around 10. We had some great chats around that table.


  • At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your web page is getting more fun and memorable all the time, such nice pictures... We had such a great time at Sarah's didn't we ? Aunt Carol Ann, Aunt Mary and I are sooo blessed to have such amazing and beautiful daughters !! Love ya, Mom xo


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